To top it all off, I projectile vomited all over the front of the Bibi-Khanym mosque, setting off a chain reaction of everyone on the trip getting annihilated one by one in some sort of bowel-loosening spew festival. Great fun on those all day car rides through the desert.... Sorry guys! I blame the chicken shit narcotics.
The future of skateboarding in Uzbekistan. |
Bibi-Khanym Mosque at sunrise. The only time you can see it completely empty. |
We paid the guards to let us climb the towers to take photos. |
Handmade carpets. |
Check Man! |
Our driver. She was a real woman with a good set of gold fronts. The drove the whole way without her hands on the steering wheel, eating peaches, texting her friends and dancing. |
Squint and see what it says. |
Tobi |
Big thanks to our guides Veronica and Arto! We wouldn't have survived without you.... |