Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea

The Kims.

Kirill donning the dungarees. Amazing.


War Memorial

Paddy riding the subway.

Early morning reflection.

Rocket launchers.

The tank and post are real, the rest is a 360 degree painting.

The flower show.

The children's palace.

Acrobatic infants.

Big money, big cars.


Sunday, June 24, 2012


 2 day boat ride from Osaka to Shanghai.
 Early morning Shanghai port.

 Paddy and his new girlfriend.
 Keng qu drops in from a biggie.
 ChipperFlip with Tommy the boss behind the lens.

 No money no honey.
 Joel pissed on the sofa.
 Fashion victims.
 Teletubby scarecrow.

 Thrasher and Cyrus build a box.

 Something smells fishy.