Monday, February 27, 2012

A year in the life of a Japanese mobile phone.

Someone saw this on TV and sent it to me. It looks so much like me I'm almost convinced it really is me. Even though it definitely isn't. Let's go Roppongi!
Happy nuts!
I want to be a black man fighter.Dutch wife. You ever seen one of these in Holland?

Japanese technology.

Don't spit on the train driver!
Call the cops. Save kids!
Bigger than a fully grown cat.
Fake leggins. Dope shit!
Nazi porn.
circumcision ad.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

HOLY COW!!! Dhaka/Kolkata/Varanasi

kids diving next to dead bodies being burned.

they do everything in that river. live, wash, swim, brush teeth, die...

check me out and chill.

hostile bull.
the gate to heaven. hindus are cremated here and sent down the ganges. the fires have never gone out here.

holy cows.
Claravall on the B-roll!
holy cows eat rubbish.

i found this in a bazar in the back-streets of Dhaka. it looks so much like my uncle fighting himself it's scary.
need a tricycle? cause there's a sale on at the tricycle shop...

market on the tracks.
they do not get bored of looking at you. i didn't move for about an hour. neither did they.
walker. we were surrounded.